
Buffered By Party Support, Local Candidates Survive Primary Challenges

Polling results are delivered to the township Municipal Building June 4.

The two Democratic-party endorsed local candidates survived primary challenges June 4, but a township man challenging the Republican Party’s pick for Freeholder was not successful.

On the Democratic side, State Assemblyman Joe Danielsen and his running mate, Assemblyman Joe Egan of New Brunswick, both D-17, easily fended off a challenge from Piscataway resident Ron Rivers, while retired FTPD Lt. Darrin Russo out-polled his challenger, retired Bridgewater Police Sergeant Arthur Akins.

Township resident Robert Quinn was unsuccessful in his challenge to Somerset County Freeholder Pat Walsh for the right to carry the Republican banner for Freeholder in the November elections.

Danielsen and Egan will face Republican challengers Patricia Badovinac and Maria Concepción Powell – who faced no primary challengers – in the November elections.

Russo will face off against North Plainfield Police Chief Bill Parenti in the County Sheriff’s race in November.

In the township, 13 percent of registered Republicans and 16 percent of registered Democrats voted.

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